At Leitz TruSens, we are on a mission to help improve the space we spend the most time in. Purer air where it really matters, for a healthier home. Therefore, we have now launched filters that have been tested to the EU DIN Standard (EN1822), these are our highest grade filters, capturing even the smallest most difficult particles. Meaning cleaner air with less air changes per hour. Ensuring you and your family are breathing purer, cleaner air.
What is an EN1822 Filter?
A filter tested against EN1822:2019 standard developed in Europe (Germany) that is designed to grade and categorise different types of HEPA filter. In the latest version of the standard the test procedure for the global ISO standards (ISO 29463) have also been included to ensure global acceptance of the tests.
These tests will test a variety of particle sizes to determine the efficiency at the most penetrating particle size (MPPS) which is the most difficult sized particle to capture.
Filter Class Definition per DIN EN 1822
E = Efficient Particulate Air filter (EPA)
H = High Efficiency Particulate Air filter (HEPA)
U = Ultra Low Penetration Air filter (ULPA)
According to the EN1822 standard the filter must capture a minimum of 99.95% of particles (in a single-pass) at the most penetrating particle size (MPPS). This particle size is typically between 0.1-0.2 microns in size. The result of the efficiency tests at the MPPS will determine the grading awarded.
A typical 'True HEPA' filter can capture 99.97% of particles at 0.3 micron but they achieve a lower efficiency level at the MPPS (0.1-0.2 micron) so overall they are less efficient than an H13 HEPA. Likewise, an H13 HEPA will be more efficient than 99.97% at 0.3 micron, which is what a ‘True HEPA’ is tested to.
In tests we've conducted a typical 'True HEPA' filter would achieve an E12 EPA grade in an EN1822 test.
Because these filters are more efficient at capturing the most difficult to capture particle sizes (MPPS), more particles will be captured of all sizes in a single-pass than lower-grade filters such as a ‘True HEPA’ or ‘HEPA-type’ filter.
Therefore, an air purifier with an H13 HEPA installed has to change the air in a room less frequently to achieve the same results as a purifier with a lower-grade filter installed, which makes the overall product more efficient.
All of our filters have been tested to capture 229E human coronavirus, which is an accepted surrogate for SARS-COV-2. In lab tests, we demonstrated that our filters & purifiers can capture 99% of all coronavirus particles.
Leitz TruSens captures 99,99% of airborne human coronavirus which is a surrogate for SARS-COV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19*
* Results from independent third party testing using aerosolized airborne concentration of human coronavirus 229E. TruSens air purifiers captured 99.99% in a two-hour period in a 30m3 test chamber. There is no generally accepted test method to determine the viral load of air. The test was conducted by The CAS Testing Technical Services (GuangZhou) Co., Ltd. (No. 368 Xingke Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou, P. R. China) using a Chinese standard (Technical Standards for Disinfection (2002) 2.1.3).
Leitz TruSens EN1822 Filter for Z3000
Leitz TruSens EN1822 Filter for Z1000
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